美国歌德CORTEC VPCI-386水性防锈涂料
产品介绍:VPCI-386是一种快干的水性丙烯酸单涂层系统(面漆),可应用于 DTM(直接涂于金属),并在恶劣的户外无遮蔽应用中提供保护。更多 +
- [技术资讯]户外雨水管防锈VPCI-386防锈涂料效果优异2018年10月17日 11:39
- 江苏南通某客户来电询问如何给户外雨水管做防锈,该客户的雨水管是不锈钢材质,水管已经在室外安装完毕,水管外径108MM,总长120M。
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- [应用案例]户外雨水管防锈VPCI-386防锈涂料效果优异2018年10月17日 10:54
- 江苏南通某客户来电询问如何给户外雨水管做防锈,该客户的雨水管是不锈钢材质,水管已经在室外安装完毕,水管外径108MM,总长120M。
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- [应用案例]苏州某汽车零部件再制造商产品防锈选择CORTEC品牌VPCI-383防锈底漆2017年05月27日 09:51
- 2015年4月,苏州某汽车发电机,发动机,起动机等设备的再制造商来电寻找一种水性防锈涂料来代替他们使用了50多年的溶剂型涂料。溶剂型涂料虽然能为产品提供新的外观,还可以防止氧化。但是,它会对环境造成污染也对人体有害。
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- [应用案例]山西某机械制造厂防锈使用CORTEC VPCI-379防锈液2017年05月04日 09:17
- 2016年2月,通过与该公司电话沟通了解到,该公司主要是生产铸铁结构的钻头和设备。为了保护零件免受锈蚀和变色,他们一直在使用Rust Veto CRF。然后将零件运到客户的区域配送中心。但是零件通常会有锈斑和变色。该公司对此产品效果并不满意,想要更换一种更有效的防锈产品。
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- [技术资讯]美国CORTEC水性防锈液VPCI-337技术资讯12017年03月20日 09:35
- Short Brothers Limited Technical Group wanted to test the effectiveness of Cortec VpCI-337 as a universal corrosion preventative for most metals, including aluminum. They evaluated VpCI-337 for use on components, sheets, stacks and coils stored in-house. They also wanted to find out if VpCI-337 would contaminate metal parts.
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- [技术资讯]CORTEC水性防锈涂料VPCI-386技术资讯2017年03月17日 14:40
- The chemical manufacturer had just completed an expansion, Phase 3, to their existing plant using masonry and precast concrete panels. The existing building was experiencing signs of weathering and rust stains had started to show on some precast panels where the rebars had insufficient concrete coverage. The problem was how to inhibit the corrosion, protect the building and tie the existing building and new addition together to be esthetically pleasing structure.
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- [应用案例]美国CORTEC VpCI-386水性防锈涂料应用案例12017年03月17日 14:36
- The chemical manufacturer had just completed an expansion, Phase 3, to their existing plant using masonry and precast concrete panels. The existing building was experiencing signs of weathering and rust stains had started to show on some precast panels where the rebars had insufficient concrete coverage. The problem was how to inhibit the corrosion, protect the building and tie the existing building and new addition together to be esthetically pleasing structure.
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